Sunday, January 11, 2009


Drake is somehow becoming my favorite rapper. Starting with the first time i heard Brand New remix featuring Lil Wayne. I was fan since then, i made sure i caught on to like all his mixtapes .From all the features that he is doing, Drake is gonna be HUGE in 09' watch..

check these out

Drake feat. Belly - I Do This

Belly ft. Drake- Girl Let Me


J said...

you gotta find the "little bit" remix he did. its by lykke li and drake

Anonymous said...

drake is very sick!
i love him as well. =].
u gotta listen to his old tracks too
"Come winter" and "Decieving" are the sheeeit!

Rich2021 said...

yeh ima check those out..i just cant wait for the next mixtape which should be out soon